2011-9-21 10:59
新客安裝我們的會計系統, 若需要我們代架建及輸入有關之內容, 請提供以下的資料: ( Prefer in Eecel or Word Format)
1. 會計帳目表 ( Chart of Account List )
2. 財務報表 ( Financial Statement )
eg. 資產負債表 ( Balance Sheet )
損益表 ( Profit & Loss )
3. 舊會計系統 轉換 新會計系統之最後日期的 試算表 ( Trial Balance as at the last date of the old accounting system )
2011-9-21 11:00
新建會計帳 Chart of Account & 倉存月結處理
1. Total 3 Class (A, L & R) for 5 Types :
[A] Asset , [L] Liability or Equity , [R] Revenue or Expense
2. [A] Asset 資產
a. Stock [S]
b. A/R Control Account [C]
3. [L] Liability or Equity 負債 及 資本
a. Retained Earning [R]
b. A/P Control Account [C]
4. [R] Revenue or Expense 收入 及 支出
a. Opening Stock [O]
b. Closing Stock [L]
c. Sales Income
d. Purchase In
e. Exchange Difference [E]
[C] -- Control Account
[R] -- Retained Earning
[E] -- Exchange Gain / Loss
[S] -- Stock Account
[O] -- Opening Stock
[L] -- Closing Stock
倉存月結處理 Debit Credit
----------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------
1. Stock (Opening) 上月末期金額
2. Stock 上月末期金額
3. Stock 本月末期金額
4. Stock (Closing) 本月末期金額
2011-11-14 13:36
[url=http://www.pericles.net/download/rid/Account_Setup_.exe]120322[/url] (Modify FAPXXX Reports)
[url=http://www.pericles.net/download/rid/Account_Setup_.exe]120316[/url] (A/R Import with M/A Due Date)
[url=http://www.pericles.net/download/rid/Account_Setup_.exe]120229[/url] (Ledger List + Job No.)
[url=http://www.pericles.net/download/rid/Account_Setup_.exe]120224[/url] (+ Copy Function)
[url=http://www.pericles.net/download/rid/Account_Setup_.exe]120208[/url] (U2)
20120208 (U2)
alter table t_voucherpay modify mCUUR_RATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_voucherrec modify mCUUR_RATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_voucherpct modify mCUUR_RATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_moneycurrency modify mRate DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_voucherdetailpaysettle modify mEXRATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_voucherdetailrecsettle modify mEXRATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
20120110 (U1)
alter table t_voucherpay modify mCUUR_RATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_voucherrec modify mCUUR_RATE DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
alter table t_moneycurrency modify mRate DECIMAL(19,6) default null;
[url]http://www.pericles.net/download/drivers/MyODBC-3.51.26.exe[/url] ( 32 Bit Version )
[url]http://www.pericles.net/download/drivers/mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.9-winx64.msi[/url] ( 64 Bit Version )