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2008-2-10 16:57 marketing
成功的鑰匙 The key to success !

[color=red]這些充滿鼓勵性格言, 啟發我們與人相處的態度, 使我們了解得失成敗的原因, [/color][size=4][color=blue][i]激勵我們克服困難, 走向成功 !!
Show us the reasons of success of failure through our behaviours and envourage us to overcome difficulties encountered. These are actually keys to our success.

[[i] 本帖最後由 marketing 於 2008-2-10 17:28 編輯 [/i]]

2008-2-10 17:01 marketing

只有用熱情和豁達的心去投入職場, 才能從工作中獲得生命的能量。

Only by devoting oneself into the career with full passion and endurance, one can gain new life energy from it.

[[i] 本帖最後由 marketing 於 2008-2-10 17:56 編輯 [/i]]

2008-2-10 17:03 marketing

當面對困難時, 應嘗試以不同的方法去解決問題, 而不是找借口來開脫。

One should try different methods to overcome obstacles rather than look for excuses to escape.

[[i] 本帖最後由 marketing 於 2008-2-10 17:56 編輯 [/i]]

2008-2-11 09:59 marketing


One cannot hold on to his advantages all the time. Modesty helps one to go forward.

2008-2-11 10:32 marketing


Practical opinions and attitude towards difficulties is the key to solve problems.

2008-2-11 10:35 marketing


One will gain nothing if he is too eager for quick success and instant benefit.

2008-2-11 10:38 marketing


Those who sit tight will let chances pass by whilst those who dare to try will gain them.

2008-2-11 10:42 marketing


Even genius cannot success without hard work. Achievement that gained through efforts, is real and pleasant.

2008-2-11 10:45 marketing


Setting good examples for oneself is always more convincing to other people's percept.

2008-2-11 10:48 marketing


The most competent supervisor will dig out the activity of his followers to fulfilla task, instead of giving them a command.

2008-2-11 10:53 marketing


Ask people around you for your own shortcomings, so that you can make a self-improvement.

2008-2-11 10:56 marketing


Sometimes the "seemingly weak" person greater potential than the "strong" one.

2008-2-11 10:57 marketing


Partners in business need to share a common concept or benefit.

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