POS 百怡富零售系統

標題: 電腦病毒: 電腦唔可以 double click 直接開 c drive
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

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註冊 2006-12-2
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發表於 2008-6-4 10:55  資料 文集 短消息 
電腦病毒: 電腦唔可以 double click 直接開 c drive

可能已經中左一個叫做 kavo 隨身碟病毒, 此能病毒自動感染所有的磁碟機 (包含熱插拔的儲存裝置).

因為該病毒會寫入 autorun.inf 的自動執行檔裡, 所以受感染的隨身碟一但插入電腦裡, 就會自動感染該電腦裡所有的磁碟機.

像 usb 隨身碟 , 相機的記憶卡, 甚至手機 ,MP3/MP4/MP5/MP6 , 都有可能被感染與散佈, 侵佔及散播性很強.
它會使你的系統不能恢復顯示隱藏檔(隱藏毒檔),不能直接打開disk drive,電腦被拖慢,中毒太深可能boot唔起機(safe mode都入唔到)。

English Info:  [ http://hubpages.com/hub/Kill-Kavoexe-virus ]
The latest Kavo worm, otherwise known as NTDELECT, is everywhere. Using my USB alot in public computers at the university and language school there's not much I can do to avoid that Kavo worm disaster. The Kavo worm does an excellent job of manifestating itself very fast through removable media and with the underlying worm technology it's extremely difficult for the lame user to spot and remove.

Anti-virus, anti-worm, anti-spyware software doesn't seem to do much about it. Avast! detects Kavo-NTDelect but fails to remove, AVG and Symantec antivirus don't seem to care much for it. Some of the answers given around the web suggest that Trendmicro's online Housecall service helps with Kavo-NTDelect, but so far it has done little to help me or my mates and it takes forever to run. Trendmicro and Kaspersky claim to take care of this, but I can't be sure. In any case, suggesting a 30-60US$ purchase to all my infected friends is not an option ... ... ...

A. 檢測是否已經中了此病毒

2. 無法開啟檢視隱藏檔的選項

B. 解決方法
下載 kavo_killer 程式 ( for Windows 2000 , XP )
http://www.pericles.net/driver/forum/kavo_killer_v41.exe  [包括自動執行 "儲存裝置病毒預防方法"]

C. 儲存裝置病毒預防方法 [手動]
For %%a In (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) Do (
dir /a %%a:\autorun.inf >nul 2>nul && Del /f/s/q/a %%a:\autorun.inf
dir /a %%a:\ >nul 2>nul && md %%a:\autorun.inf\Lock...\
dir /a %%a:\autorun.inf >nul 2>nul && attrib s h r %%a:\autorun.inf
然後把它save做 kavo_protect.bat,接者插入你的手指、記憶卡、MP3、MP4等等硬碟...好了後,
執行此 Batch,即完成了隨身牒病毒預防的工作....
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

精華 0
積分 0
帖子 230
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-12-2
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-7-17 01:14  資料 文集 短消息 
Online Scannner from ESET


Note: You will need to use Internet Explorer for this scan
-- Tick the box next to YES, I accept the Terms of Use.
-- Click Start
-- When asked, allow the activex control to install
-- Click Start

Make sure to set the options as follows:
-- Scan unwanted applications is checked
-- Click Scan
-- Wait for the scan to finish

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